Nov 23
Handbook Horror Stories
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

We invite you to join our live webinar! December 9, 2016 1:00-2:00 P.M. EST
Your company’s generic or outdated employee handbook could put your business in danger of becoming another handbook horror story!
When it comes to Employee Handbooks and each of the many policies contained in them, there are a multitude of laws, regulations, and business purposes to be considered. Many of the policies can either help you or hurt you in a matter or dispute.
We welcome you to join us in the first of our two part series on Employee Handbooks. During this webinar, our attorneys, Kris Spitler and Brendan Cassidy, will be addressing real life legal scenarios that resulted in Handbook Horror Stories. Learn from examples of other businesses on how policies in the Employee Handbook can create problems for your business.