Jun 18
Legalization of Marijuana in the Workplace: Virtual Seminar
Friday, June 18, 2021
Delving into the Weeds: How to Prepare for the Legalization of Marijuana in the Workplace

Join Kristina Keech Spitler, Esq of Vanderpool, Frostick & Nishanian, P.C. for this one-hour session where she will review Virginia’s new marijuana-related legislation and explain what it means for employers.
Attendees can expect to learn about the particulars of the bills that legalized recreational marijuana and will prohibit employers from discrimination against employees that use cannabis oil for medical reasons. The session will also discuss how the new laws might impact drug testing in the workplace and what revisions may be required or otherwise suggested for employee handbooks.
Wednesday, July 14, 2021, at 09:00 AM via Zoom.