Navigating IEP Meetings in Virginia: Key Questions for Parents

Monday, June 12, 2023
Written by: Monica Munin

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a document that lists what special education supports and related services your child needs and will receive so that they may make progress in the general education curriculum. If you are a parent attending an IEP meeting in Virginia, you may have questions about your child’s progress, goals, and the services they are receiving. Here are some questions you can ask to help ensure your child’s educational needs are being met. Parents are required IEP team members and their input should always be meaningfully considered and incorporated when appropriate.

  1. What are my child’s current strengths and weaknesses? Knowing your child’s current level of academic and social development can help identify areas where they may need additional support.
  2. What goals are we setting for my child? An IEP meeting should include a discussion about the goals that will help your child achieve their academic and social potential. These goals should be designed to be mastered within one year.
  3. What services and accommodations will be provided to support my child’s goals? As part of the IEP, the team should discuss what services and accommodations your child will receive, such as assistive technology, additional classroom support, or modifications to the curriculum.
  4. Who will be responsible for implementing my child’s IEP? It’s important to know who will be responsible for ensuring that the IEP goals and services are being implemented.
  5. How often will progress be measured and communicated to me? Regular communication about your child’s progress can help ensure that the IEP is working as intended and that your child is making progress toward their goals.
  6. How can I be involved in my child’s education? As a parent, you have the right to participate in the IEP process and provide input into your child’s education. Ask about ways you can be involved in your child’s education, such as volunteering in the classroom or attending parent-teacher conferences.
  7. What is the timeline for reviewing and revising the IEP? IEPs should be reviewed and revised at least annually to ensure that they are still meeting your child’s needs. Ask about the timeline for reviewing and revising the IEP.
  8. What resources are available to support my child’s education outside of school? Ask about resources that may be available to support your child’s education outside of school, such as tutoring or therapy services.

Attending an IEP meeting can be overwhelming, but asking the right questions can help ensure that your child receives the support they need to succeed. Remember that you are an important member of your child’s educational team, and your participation in the IEP process can make a significant difference in their success. Need guidance regarding how to navigate IEP Meetings? Contact Monica Munin, Esq. at

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