VF&N’s attorneys Martin Crim, Neal Knudsen, and Kris Spitler, in conjunction with the Prince William County Bar Association and the amazing social services teams of Manassas City and Manassas Park, joined together to celebrate the achievements of local youth who have come in contact with the Prince William County juvenile justice system. These young adults have achieved academic and social progress in spite of tremendous odds against them. Congratulation to all the scholarship and award winners at this year’s Beat the Odds ® Program.
“The name of the program says it all. Most of the young people involved with the juvenile justice system enter life, and go through childhood, with few of the advantages that most of us take for granted. I greatly admire the demonstrated determination of the recipients, despite the odds. I disagreed with one young lady’s remarks. She thanked the people who ‘made her a success.’ She may have had help along the way, but she deserves all the credit for her own success.” Neal T. Knudsen, Esq. Vanderpool, Frostick & Nishanian, PC
Vanderpool, Frostick and Nishanian, P.C. may be synonymous with doing business but what you may not know is that we also have a bustling social services team. Our team serves the Departments of Social Services for the cities of Manassas and Manassas Park and the counties of Spotsylvania, Warren, and Fauquier, and Culpeper.